Sunday, February 18, 2024

February Update...

We've experienced a bit of spring-like weather this past month which has allowed us to get outside and work on a few projects. 60 degree days in mid February was very welcomed, but as I type this we have 6" of snow outside and it is sub 30 degrees. Welcome to Illinois! See what we've been up to below. Have a great day!

A dry and warm stretch of February weather allowed our local tile company to add additional laterals to a farm we purchased a few years ago that already had tile every 200'. We wanted to reduced that spacing down to every 100' for even better drainage.

Disking down the trenches of the newly installed tile. Hopefully we get another round of cold weather and rain to weather these down so they are nice and smooth by spring planting.

Getting the planter out of the cold-storage shed and moving it to our heated shop so we can work on it ahead of spring. I think it was almost 60 degrees the day we moved planters. Crazy Illinois weather.

Hauling gypsum from the City of Springfield Power Plant. We target our wetter farms that are not tiled with this application. The additional Calcium improves water infiltration into the subsoil. It also adds Sulfur to our soil which corn plants love.

The warm February weather has also allowed us to scratch a few items off our list like picking up rocks and debris in places where tillage or Mother Nature has brought them to the surface. 

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