Thursday, July 28, 2022

End of July...

Summer is flying by! We have been blessed with good weather and rainfall when we needed it this summer. Our corn has all been sprayed with fungicide and we have only 480 acres of soybeans remaining to be sprayed as well. Oh, and the sweet corn crop has been plentiful as well! Our crew is mixing in summer family vacations with working on summer projects, hauling lime, hauling rock for the new sheds to be built this fall and getting equipment ready for harvest. It is truly hard to believe it is almost August 1st. Below are some pictures of recent activity on the farm. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Helicopter spraying fungicide on our corn.

Spraying Insecticide, Fungicide and Molasses on our soybeans right before they really start to set pods.

Refilling the tanker with 4,800 gallons of water which we will use to mix soybean fungicide and insecticide in another tanker.

Cleaning the final corn out of the bins to get ready for next year.