Week ending February 11th...
Last week I attended Farm Journal's Top Producer Seminar in Chicago. The many speakers all had impressive and thought provoking presentations. Most touched on the state of our economy, what the future food demands of China will look like, and how the next farm bill might be crafted. Of course they also touched on current land prices and where they envision the trend will go. Many thought land prices were near the top, while only one proclaimed that land had another two thousand dollars an acre improvement.I've also posted a couple pictures of my friend, Ant Bowker who farms in Southern Africa. He reports that his crop looks fantastic and could be one of the best ever. I think it is really interesting to see how other farmers in the world are producing their crops. It remains quiet around the farm with a little grain being hauled to the river from our bins. February continues to be one of the months where a lot of our input suppliers host meetings. We plan to head to Louisville, Kentucky this week for the National Farm Machinery Show. Have a great week everyone!
Joseph Prusacki, Director of the USDA NASS defending the results of the recent crop report at the Top Producer Seminar in Chicago
Car : 1914 Jeffery Four Touring