This corn will yield nothing; and there is a lot of these holes in central & western Illinois.

but as corn begins to pollinate this week they will migrate into it and begin clipping silks.
This week we wrapped up the last of our corn herbicide spraying. We also finished side-dressing as we applied an additional 40 units of nitrogen to our water damaged fields to try and "perk up" the yellow corn as well as give the roots more oxygen by running the applicator knife deep in the soil.
We also finished our 2010 planting season on Monday when Dad finished planting the remaining acres at Williamsville. The soybeans that were planted there a few weeks ago are growing fast, unfortunately the volunteer corn from last year's tornado is also growing fast. When the weather permits, we will head to Williamsville to spray the soybeans in an attempt to eradicate the volunteer corn.
As the week wrapped up we began spraying what we hope to be the last pass of herbicides on the soybeans around Ashland and Pleasant Plains. Just as the crops are growing fast, so are the weeds.