Yesterday we were able to start planting again. We planted all of LWJ's farm and moved out to the Reiser Roundbarn farm. Although our local area is busy with spring activities, much of the area 20 miles away from us in either direciton is still wet and waiting for the sun and strong winds to dry the ground out - we are very fortunate...
Wyffels Hybrids arrived yesterday and planted their Replicated Micro-Strip plot. In this plot they have numerous experimental hybrids where they plant them in 20' strips multiple times to enhance their accuracy. They repeat this process throughout their entire marketing area and release new hybrids based off of the results.
The forecast is calling for significant amounts of rainfall starting Saturday afternoon through next Thursday (4/30). We and all our neighbors are trying to plant as much corn as possible before the next rain - early mornings and late nights until the rain.